2024 Marrickville Music Festival - Afterparty Venue

This is a preview of the 2024 Marrickville Music Festival Official After Party Venue form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Marrickville Music Festival Official Afterparty Venue

* indicates a required field.

Marrickville Music Festival

Sunday 13 October 2024

Marrickville Road, Marrickville and surrounding streets



Marrickville Music Festival aims to champion local live music venues and bars or breweries in in the area surrounding the Marrickville Music Festival footprints, shining a light on the vibrant local entertainment businesses. We are offering a contribution of up to $1,000 per venue for local businesses to put on night-time musical entertainment on Sunday 13 October as part of Council's official "after-party" music trail.

Successful businesses will benefit from the overarching marketing and publicity campaign, and your involvement and activity will be promoted on Council's website. Businesses have the opportunity to capitalise on increased foot-traffic in the main festival precinct and showcase their unique offerings.

Marrickville Music Festival is located on Marrickville Rd between Illawarra Rd and Victoria Rd. Businesses wanting to participate in this program must be located within walking distance to the festival precinct. Priority will be given to venues based on Marrickville Rd and Illawarra Rd. 

Please let us know if you would like to be connected to a local live music act as part of your application.

Selection Criteria:

  • Activities must take place on Sunday 13 October between 5pm and 10pm
  • Must be a local bar or live music venue in Marrickville.
  • Must involve local (Inner West based, or with a strong connection to the Inner West) live music component.

Please read all the information in this application carefully. Selection of venues is the final decision of Council and no further correspondence will be entered into. Council reserves the right to amend the selection criteria at any time without notice. Incomplete applications may not be considered.

Submit a brief description below of your festival idea by Sunday 14 July for a chance to showcase your business as part of Marrickville Music Festival's “Official After Party Trail”. All applications will be assessed after submission close date.

For any questions please contact: events@innerwest.nsw.gov.au or phone 9392 5259


  • Please provide a response to all relevant questions on the pages;
  • Click Save Progress periodically to ensure you do not lose any information you have entered;
  • Once you have completed the question/s, the last page of the form will provide you with the opportunity to Review your application.  If you are happy with your application you can then click Submit, if you have answered all of the required questions a Confirmation Message will be displayed to acknowledge receipt of your application.

Submissions are due by 14 July 2024. 

  • If you have access requirements that cause difficulty submitting material online and you need assistance, please call 9392 5000.
  • To talk with a free interpreter call 131 450. 
  • 9392 5000. نحن نتكلم لغتك.131 للتحدث مع مترجم مجاني اتصل بالرقم 450اطلب منهم الاتصال بمجلس الغرب الداخلي على الرقم 
  • Μιλάμε τη γλώσσα σας. Για να μιλήσετε δωρεάν σε διερμηνέα καλέστε το 131 450. Ζητήστε τους να καλέσουν το Δήμο Inner West Council στο 9392 5000. 
  • Parliamo la vostra lingua. Per parlare gratuitamente con un interprete chiamate il numero 131 450. Chiedetegli di chiamare il Comune di Inner West al numero 9392 5000. 
  • Falamos a sua língua. Para falar com um intérprete gra tuitamente ligue para 131 450. Peça-lhes para ligar para o Inner West Council no número 9392 5000. 
  • 我們能說您的語言。 如需免費傳譯服務,請致電131 450, 然後請傳譯員致電9392 5000接通 Inner West市政府。  
  • เราพูดภาษาของท่าน คุยกับล่ามได้ฟรีที่เบอร์ 131 450 ขอต่อสาย Inner West Council ที่เบอร์ 9392 5000. 
  • Chúng tôi nói ngôn ngữ của quý vị. Muốn nói chuyện có thông dịch viên miễn phí, hãy gọi số 131 450. Yêu cầu họ gọi cho Hội đồng Thành phố Inner West qua số 9392 5000. 

Business Name and Address

Address Line 1, Suburb/Town, State/Province, Postcode, and Country are required. 

Applicant Details

Must be an Australian phone number. 
Must be an email address. 

What activity or event would you like to hold at your business as part of the Marrickville Music Festival After Party trail?

Word count:
Must be no more than 300 words. 
Council can assist you to be connected to musicians and bands performing within the Inner West Council Local Government Area * Required

Connection to the Inner West LGA (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Council can assist you to be connected to musicians and bands performing within the Inner West Council Local Government Area" on page 1

Inner West Council will prioritise applications that showcase artists who live or work in the Inner West. 

How much funding are you requesting?

You must ensure that all eligible artists and contractors working on events are paid superannuation as per the ATO guidelines here: https://www.ato.gov.au/businesses-and-organisations/hiring-and-paying-your-workers/employee-or-independent-contractor/how-to-work-it-out-employee-or-independent-contractor